Membership Information

We welcome applications for membership from persons of the Jewish faith over the age of sixteen years. All applications should be made in writing and be signed by the applicant. All applications must be approved by the Synagogue Council. (Download application form).

Young people of the Jewish faith aged between 16 and 20 years, whose families are not members of SDRS, may be admitted as Associate Members. Although they will not be eligible for election to Council or to vote they will otherwise will have full constitutional status. On reaching 21 years of age they will be able transfer to the Young Adult Membership Scheme, be eligible to stand for Council and to vote.

Those who are unable to join the Synagogue as they are tied into a burial scheme which cannot be transferred, may join SDRS under the ‘Country Membership’ scheme. However they will not be eligible for election to Council or to vote but will otherwise will have full constitutional status and be able to serve on any sub-committee.

Friends of SDRS is for non-Jewish partners of full members (married/civil partners/living together) same sex partners are accepted. If funeral or burial services are required, they must acquaint themselves with and comply with the agreements and constitution of the Jewish Joint Burial Society. However they will not be eligible for election to Council or to vote but will otherwise will have full constitutional status and be able to serve on any sub-committee.

Life Membership is for non-members of Southend and District Reform Synagogue who have made an outstanding contribution to the Synagogue.

Please contact the Hon.Treasurer via the Contact page for further information.